
Some thing is ture
In fact it isn't
We are the best
it's all a lie
Something is always a dream
It won't come ture but  we always tell a prefect lie
Always seen cerebral
but It is not ture
Someone would tell us the turth is the world
Besides we always made vain
Always think it is right
Alas! How glommy it is
No any hope 
The road in future is all covered by darkness
The cross in rose flowering shrubs
We can see it but can't get it
Yes.Future is remote.
It will be a long time in our lives.
Maybe 10 to 70 years

The prison of tireness
When prison guard captivity the criminals
They usually captivity themselves ether.
I can't see any hope.
I can't see any lightness of live.
Yes you're right
We should praise for it.
But I have to say
It's all a flossy lie!


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